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About Us

NutritionLife About Us Kerziah Del Rio

Welcome to NutritionLife!

My name is Kerziah Del Rio and I'm an authorised Australian distributor of USANA products.

Being healthy and energised has always been a big priority in my life. As a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Registered Nurse from Sydney, I’ve seen the effects that lifestyle choices have made to my health and other people's health. So here at NutritionLife we have partnered with USANA Health Sciences. USANA is a science based nutritional company that manufactures high quality nutritional products. Prevention is the key to a happy and healthy energised life. 

Early in my career as a Critical Care Nurse I found myself physically and mentally burnt out. Shift work paired with a highly stressful work environment was not serving me. My energy levels were low, immune system was poor and the lack of time had left me no room to feed my body the right nutrition it needed every single day. By using high quality nutritional supplements, I was able to bridge my nutritional gap.

Here at NutritionLife it is our mission to bridge the gap between nutritional science and western medicine. We believe that understanding nutrition can optimise the way you feel.

If you have any questions about any of our products, please don't hesitate to contact us at and we will reply to you as quickly as possible.